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Parent Forum
Once every half term parents and carers of The Boswells School students will get together with some of the Senior Leadership Team and the Headteacher to discuss the direction of the school. The school will use the Parent Forum to get parents and carers opinions on new ideas.
This important forum will give parents a voice and answers to some challenging questions.
So, whether you want your voice heard, have some great fundraising ideas, some free time for a worthy cause or want to have real say in the future of The Boswells School, we need you, please contact us at: admin@boswells-school.com to find out more.
The objectives of the Parent Forum are:
- To promote partnership between the School, its students, and all its parents and carers.
- To actively identify and represent the views of parents/carers on the education provided by the School, and other matters affecting the education and welfare of its students.
The forum will be made up of volunteer parents and carers of children who attend the school, and is open to all parents at the school. It is desirable that the Parent Forum reflect the diversity of the community, for example parental representation from all Year Groups, different cultures and ethnicities, gifted and talented and SEN etc.
There are no official Office Bearers. Agenda items will be requested prior to the meeting date, and action points will be available on the website after the meeting.
Anyone interested in joining the Parent Forum should telephone 01245 264 451 and ask to speak to Mrs Brooks, PA to the Headteacher.
Please check the calendar for the date of the next meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, please submit any agenda items or questions/ideas for the forum to discuss by emailing: wbs@boswells-school.com
Parent Forum Notes - 29th January 2024